Show your kindness.
Help bring food, warmth, stability and hope to those in need.
Welcome to our hub for all things ‘giving’.
Whether you’d like to make a once-off or ongoing monetary donation, partner with us as a business or simply volunteer your time every so often to help us do what we do, we appreciate every little bit of kindness you can offer.
Gifts of $2 or more to the work of ProjectKindness in Australia are tax deductible.
Here are all the ways you can help…

Donate funds.

Tony’s story is one that is all too familiar. Tony spent six years on the streets sleeping rough. He was one of the first people to set up a tent in the park next to Central Station, he is no stranger to cold, sleepless nights, and tough times. He found himself addicted to drugs which very quickly was his only requirement every day. His health started to deteriorate, and he could no longer function like most people in the community do. He ended up spending time in jail and hit an all-time low. Hearing about all Tony has been through is disheartening, but we are privileged to be able to offer some support and the occasional hug to make his days that little bit brighter.
After a couple of attempts at rehab, Tony realised that he could no longer continue living this way. He knew he had to go to rehab and see it through. He knew that drugs could no longer be part of his life. It was time to make a major change to how he was living.
He was eventually successful in securing social housing. Thanks to our communities’ generous contributions, in Tony’s own words, we have made his house a home. A donated fridge, couch, and washing machine, together with homewares found on marketplace, has gone a long way to creating a space Tony can feel comfortable in and call his own.
We often call Tony to check-in, and we always hang up with a huge smile. He tells us about his day, usually involving him assisting his elderly neighbours or cleaning up the community garden!
Like anyone we know, he has good days and bad days, but somehow, he always manages to crack a few jokes and remind us that ultimately, life is good. Tony lives by the motto that we should cherish each day, and even if things aren’t so good, that there is always hope for a better tomorrow.
Donate items.
Our Kindness Recipients are often living below the poverty line and lacking the very basic items that anyone else might take for granted. Here are some of the items we are more than happy to accept and distribute to disadvantaged people in our network…
- Non-perishable food items
- Children and baby clothing
- Cutlery, plates, and cups
- Pots and pans
- Books, toys, and other fun items for children
- Notebooks, calculators, pens, pencils, and other kid’s school essentials
- Menstrual care items, shower gels, toothpaste, toothbrushes and other toiletry supplies
- Pillows, doonas, sheets, and other bedding items
- Dishwashing detergent, bin bags, clothes-washing products and other household cleaning items
Please note that while we appreciate the thoughtfulness behind secondhand items, we generally only accept new and unopened items for our Kindness Recipients. Please contact us directly if you’d like to clarify whether your item will be accepted as a donation.
We’d love to have you join us as part of the ProjectKindness team!
Volunteering consists of things like collecting and delivering donated items and often just using any skills you can offer to help the ProjectKindness cause.
If you’ve got the will and the availability to help Sydney’s most vulnerable, we would love to hear from you in regard to becoming a PK volunteer.

There are so many ways that you can help us raise funds to support the work we do here at ProjectKindness. Here are just a few ideas that people have gotten involved with in the past…
- Asking loved ones to make a ProjectKindness donation on your birthday, wedding, or other special occasion instead of gifts.
- Fundraise for ProjectKindness through sporting events like marathons, ocean swims and fun runs.
- Hold a bake stall at your school or workplace with profits benefiting ProjectKindness.
Have another idea? Get in touch and let us know! We’ll help you to host your fundraiser in true PK style.
Partner with us.
If you’re building a business with a focus around giving back to the community, consider adding ProjectKindness to your business plan.
We are open to partnering with any businesses that align with our values and we welcome any and all ideas for partnerships that business owners wish to bring to the table.
Previously, we’ve partnered with businesses for co-branded collaborations and other cause-related marketing campaigns, as well as fundraising events and gifts in kind.
Whatever goodness your business is up to, we’d love to be part of it!